Books by Khurshid Davron


Khurshid Davron (Uzbek Xurshid Davron); born in January 20, 1952 in an ancient Uzbek city of Samarkand. From mother’s side he is a descendant of Makhdoom-e-Azam (full name: Makhdoom-e-Azam Ahmed Khajagi bin Jalal Al din Kasani) — Sufi, and author of about 30 treatises.

Davron served in the Soviet Army in Germany. He graduated from the journalism faculty of the Tashkent State University in 1977.

Davron worked in different publishing houses for 19 years. He is a member of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan since 1979. Davron published over 20 books of prose and verse.

Khurshid Davron is one of the leading specialists in the history of Samarkand and Turkestan. His books and poems have been published in Azerbaijan, Poland, Bulgaria, Russia, Turkey, France, Spain, USA, England, Japan, Mexico, Tajikistan and other countries of the world. He participated in various international literary festivals in Poland, Bulgaria, Russia, Turkey, Georgia, Greece, as well as Congress of Writers of Asia (Washington, D.C., USA, 1996).

Davron is an author of a “Temurnoma” television series. As a script-writer he took part in anniversary celebrations of Tamerlane (600th anniversary), Ulugh Bek (660th anniversary), and city of Bukhara (2500th anniversary). He’s an author of the “Silk Route” musical (Director: Bakhodir Yuldoshev), which was put on stage of the French theatre “Odeon” (Paris). He also wrote a script for an opening musical ceremony of the “Sharq taronalari” (Melodies of the Orient) International Music Festival, which was held in Samarkand (1997, 1999, 2001, 2003 years).

In 1999 he was awarded with the title of People’s Poet of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Davron was elected as a deputy of the Oliy Majlis (Uzbek Parliament, from 2000 to 2004).

Since 1996 Davron is working at the National Television and Radio Company of Uzbekistan.

Khurshid Davron is a strong advocate of spreading his books through file sharing services and urges his colleagues to follow his example.

Here you can find a list of all Khurshid Davron’s published books, which can be downloaded for free!


«Qadrdon quyosh» (Dear Sun)


Publisher — G’afur G’ulom nomidagi adabiyot va san’at nashriyoti
Tashkent — 1979
Editor — Shavkat Rahmon
Language — Uzbek
56 pages

«Shahardagi olma daraxti» (Apple tree in the city)


Publisher — ‘Yosh gvardiya’ nashriyoti
Tashkent — 1979
Preface by — Erkin Vohidov
Editor — Safar Barnoyev
Language — Uzbek
40 pages

«Tungi bog’lar» (Gardens of the Night)


Publisher — ‘Yosh gvardiya’ nashriyoti
Tashkent — 1981
Editor — To’lqin
Language — Uzbek
72 pages

«Uchib boraman qushlar bilan» (I’m flying with the birds)


Publisher — G’afur G’ulom nomidagi adabiyot va san’at nashriyoti
Tashkent — 1983
Редактор — Q. Rahimboyeva
Editor — V.Loginov
Language — Uzbek
88 pages

«To’marisning ko’zlari» (Eyes of Tomiris)


Publisher — ‘Yosh gvardiya’ nashriyoti
Tashkent — 1984
Editor — Anvar Obidjon
Language — Uzbek
112 pages

«Bolalikning ovozi» (Voice of the childhood)


Publisher — G’afur G’ulom nomidagi adabiyot va san’at nashriyoti
Tashkent — 1986
Editor — Azim Suyun
Language — Uzbek
208 pages

«Qaqnus» (Phoenix)


Publisher — ‘Yosh gvardiya’ nashriyoti
Tashkent — 1987
Editor — A. Dilmurodov
Language — Uzbek
208 pages

«Dengiz yaproqlari» (Leaves of the sea)


Publisher — G’afur G’ulom nomidagi adabiyot va san’at nashriyoti
Tashkent — 1988
Editor — A. Qutbiddinov
Language — Uzbek
176 pages

«Qirq oshiq daftari» (Lovers’ diaries)


Publisher — ‘Yosh gvardiya’ nashriyoti
Tashkent — 1989
Editor — A. Dilmurodov
Language — Uzbek
160 pages

«Samarqand xayoli» (Dreams of Samarkand)


Publisher — ‘Kamalak’ nashriyoti
Tashkent — 1991
Editors — A. Dilmurod, Ra’no Akrom qizi
Language — Uzbek
320 pages

«Sohibqiron nabirasi» (Tamerlane’s grandson)


Publisher — ‘Sharq’ NMAK Bosh tahririyati
Tashkent — 1995
Editor — B. Eshpo’latov
Language — Uzbek
384 pages

«Bahordan bir kun oldin» (A day before the spring)


Publisher — ‘Sharq’ NMAK Bosh tahririyati
Tashkent — 1997
Editors — E. Mirzohakimova, Sh. Yusupov
Language — Uzbek
224 pages

«Shahidlar shohi» (King of martyrs)


Publisher — Qatortol-Kamolot
Tashkent — 1998
Editor — Aziz Said
Language — Uzbek
176 pages

«Bibixonim qissasi» (A story about Bibi-Khanym)


Publisher — ‘Sharq’ NMAK Bosh tahririyati
Tashkent — 2006
Editor — Q. Qayumov
Language — Uzbek
368 pages

«Shahidlar shohi» (King of martyrs)


Publisher — O’zbekiston Respublikasi Fanlar akademiyasi «Fan» nashriyoti
Tashkent — 2008
Editor — Oistaxon Najmiddinova
Language — Uzbek
200 pages


(Tashriflar: umumiy 640, bugungi 1)